Tuesday, 21 October 2008


... was neatly parked right on my doorstep this morning! 

Due to bad light and heavy rain I had severe difficulties in taking a proper picture. Unfortunaly I also don't have the necessary 4.500 Euros to buy it (as this mint-conditioned vehicle even was for sale)! 

Still, I wanted to depict this slime-green-coloured 70'ies classic for you ... enjoy!

2 Kommentare:

Jule Grimm said...

What an awesome colour for a car.. Like it a lot. And also the faast moving cars in the background. Good work.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Servus!, Very nice pictures! I like the light, colour and angle you made on the second one very very much. And I've used two verys there.
And rain drops over green make it more appealing!. Just like a photographic advertising of the green bottle of refreshing Jever! ;)