Thursday, 16 October 2008


Hm... still needs a bit more of gentle heating, but I'll soon be scanning images from my photographic research, and posting them out before the smoke comes out of the oven. Warn me if you see that happening please!, keep looking at the picture... hmhmhm.

As I expected too much from myself while at the workshop, I got blocked, frozen. Three images are the most decent stuff I could produce. But failure was worth trying, I quitted this time, but I'll try again some other time!. So let's not expect the outcome to be
meisterklasse as my oven is. About my oven, well yes, it's rusty all right, but it must have been meisterklasse in the '20s when it was invented...!

2 Kommentare:

Niels Dening said...

This post is MEISTERKLASSE! Good to have you back on air! See you n!

Anonymous said...

¡Gracias! Dito. Un abrazo grande.