Monday, 11 January 2010


As I asume that everyone who is following this blog regularly might have been wondering whether it's worth to continue doing so or not – I want to shortly explain some things:

Well, we recently had such a few new entries because our Argentinean friends are burning the midnight oil trying to cope with heavy work loads. They can't contribute to this space no longer (that is at least for the time being), sorry!

We – that is Jule and I – also had quite, quite a lot of things to do within the last passing month. So there weren't any posts from Hamburg either.

Now I guess we will kind of loose this lovely exchange between Europe and Latin America but as this blog is experimental (and ever has been) I'll try to keep it up still!

So to answer your question: Yes please, do hang on! There's a lot more to come in 2010!

See you then ...

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