Monday, 19 January 2009


Do to the given fact that from tommorow on hopefully there will be someone in charge who stands for »change« – here are two things to be mentioned from a designers perpective:

Amongst others Shepard Fairey and Robert Indiana, two of my favourite artist, did contibute their stuff to ManifestHOPE. 
An amazing collaboration of art can be traced here:

On you shall be able find an inspiring interwiev in which Sol Sanders, CD of this Chicago based design agency, will give you some nice insights on the development of probably one of the mightiest brands in the world: Obama '08.

Enjoy and keep in mind: Yes, we can ;0)


1 Kommentare:

Anonymous said...

You must have seen it I'm sure, but still here it is:

Uplifting, just as Barack's chance as new President of the US of A.

Sometimes I am afraid a bit when so much hope, so many expectations are layed upon one person only. Anyway, it's a whole team behind him. I sincererly hope they are able to do a very nice job.

And many more nice videos and stuff, that would be great too! ;)
