Monday, 15 December 2008


... if not to say rocks again – so today Emma and I spent a really good night at Fabrik concert hall in Altona. Grey-haired Everlast and his well performing band played all his most classic tracks to us before they finally even came up with »Jump Around« that old House Of Pain song probably erveryone knows! 

You can tell that was fun!!!

3 Kommentare:

Unknown said...

great night - as were the big, fat burgers we had before hand... food and music, what else do you need to be happy?!

Niels Dening said...

... same for me:

Thanks for stoppin' by, Emma

Anonymous said...

Emma!!!! Welcome, nice to hear from you!
You are so right!, and I could only add one thing to the happyness list: ketchup!

And as for me, Emma you are always welcome to join the blog if you'd like!

(Though I know, I know, I'll never suggest playing bowling together before we three get some lessons from her, otherwise she'll drop all our scorings to the ground with style :) I've seen it on the internet!!!
