Thursday, 6 November 2008


Seems we are all quite hungry these days – so here's a slice of freshly baked bread for you!

Guten Appetit ;o)

2 Kommentare:

Niels Dening said...

Same for me hermano, same for me: working extra hours, going to the movies, fixing some things ...

Please, let's find some time to chat tonight ...

Probably I will be back home at about 21:00 (HH) will this be OK with you?


Anonymous said...

I like the diagonal lines too, on the picture, though I'd definitely have the bread slice first ;)!

Hey my week was a mess, should we fix a skype meeting time? If it fits you, only. Because in that way maybe I cannot skip it, and I'll be pleased to hear from you once more. You tell me.