Tuesday, 9 September 2008


Tonight I was trying to figure out how to embed slideshows to our blog!

Pasting a slideshow from flickr I found as one working option which even seems to be rather quick and convenient. Still there are problems in resizing the content properly – if you take a close look you can see there's a pixel too much at the bottom of the picture! What I also don't like is that the slideshow stops when running through once instead of running in a loop! Thirdly but most annoying to me is the fact that if you do a wrong click you are redirected to flickr and I'm afraid there is no way to disable this option whatsoever!

I think the only pretty way to have moving pictures is to embed flash files which should work also quite simple! Found a script for that somewhere on the internet but I'm too tired to try it right now ...

Please take the poll to say if we should work on it or not!?

Good night ...

5 Kommentare:

Jule Grimm said...


Oh Mato, your moment will come!

But infact I also didn't know how to fix this problem ;)

Niels Dening said...

Ok everybody!
That's it – I'm out – forever!
I spent hours and hours and you don't appreciate that with a cheerfull: YEAH MAN – GREAT WORK!!!


Nooo – just kiddin it was fun for me figuring out on how to integrate precoded things, believe!

Which is probably also why I will test this flash thing once in a while!?

You see? When we run a thing like this I want to learn something doing it!

So don't worry about me randomly testing some stuff that comes to my mind, please ...

Anyway – conclusion is: We will find a way to have animated pictures when we need that function (may be in one years time in order to celebrate the greatest photos we've made)!?

So long ...

Anonymous said...

Hey Niels! Hey Jule! Ja Servus! I think that I cannot fix that, you know me, I am more capable at old-fashioned design, than at this coding and interactive contemporary things. So I'll be ok without it. Regarding you, hope nobody gets annoyed after spending long hours on it, after finding it doesn't work or whatever... I'd say please feel free to try to test it if you want to, to do what you feel like, but I don't think it's essential to showing pictures.

Anonymous said...

Epa, I am sure you now know who voted for "Hm, I don't know"... well I don't mind, democracy is the best!. Go for it, and I'll prepare myself for the next election in four years ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah man!, great work mate!! :)